Results for 'Ivan Aleksandrovič Il'in'

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    Die Philosophie Hegels als kontemplative Gotteslehre.Ivan Aleksandrovič Il'in - 1946 - Bern,: A. Francke.
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  2. (1 other version)Aksiomy religioznogo opyta: issledovanie.Ivan Aleksandrovič Il'in - 1953 - Moskva: "Russkai︠a︡ kniga". Edited by I︠U︡. T. Lisit︠s︡a.
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    The philosophy of Hegel as a doctrine of the concreteness of God and humanity.Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin - 2010 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Philip T. Grier.
    Foreword Philip T. Grier The attempt to retrieve a work of scholarship buried under as much historical debris as was IA Il'in's original two-volume commentary on the philosophy of Hegel presented distinct challenges, as well as possible ...
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  4. (1 other version)Putʹ k ochevidnosti.Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin - 1957
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  5. Rodina, russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡, pravoslavnai︠a︡ kulʹtura.Ivan Ilʹin - 1992 - Moskva: [S.N.].
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    On the essence of legal consciousness.Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'in - 2023 - Clark, New Jersey: Talbot Publishing. Edited by William Elliott Butler, Philip T. Grier & Paul Robinson.
    Il'in's classic work is the most impassioned and cogent work by a Russian jurist on the rule of law. The product of nearly four decades of labor, which could not be published in the former Soviet Union, this revised edition places the work in the context of developments since its first English translation in 2013. The text is accompanied by one of Il'in's early and influential articles on law and power, a bibliography devoted to his life and work, (...)
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    Aksīomy religīoznago opyta.Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin - 1953 - Moskva: "Russkai︠a︡ kniga". Edited by I︠U︡. T. Lisit︠s︡a.
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    Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin.I. I. Evlampiev (ed.) - 2014 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ politicheskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡).
  9. Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin--zhiznʹ, trudy, mirovozzrenie: sbornik stateĭ.N. P. Poltorat︠s︡kiĭ - 1989 - [Tenafly, N.J.]: Ėrmitazh.
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  10. Russkiĭ myslitelʹ Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin: tvorcheskai︠a︡ biografii︠a︡.A. M. Sharipov - 2008 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Delovoĭ ritm".
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    The Problem of Unconscious Aggressiveness of Criminals in the Conditions of Postmodern Society Development.Olena Yevdokimova, Ivan Okhrimenko, Volodymyr Filonenko, Alla Shylina, Yana Ponomarenko, Svitlana Okhrimenko & Denys Aleksandrov - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):182-199.
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  12. Ivan Ilʹin: monarkhii︠a︡ i budushchee Rossii.Igorʹ Zernov - 2007 - Moskva: Algoritm.
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  13. Ivan Ilʹin i Rossii︠a︡: neopublikovannye fotografii i arkhivnye materialy.I︠U︡. T. Lisit︠s︡a - 1999 - Moskva: Russkai︠a︡ kniga.
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    La nuova iconologia di Horst Bredekamp. Storia dell'arte, morfologia e il potere delle immagini.Ivan Quartesan - 2024 - Milano - Udine: Mimesis.
    Gli studi visuali hanno dato un fondamentale contributo alla comprensione del valore e del ruolo delle immagini nelle nostre società. Partendo dalla prospettiva della storia dell’arte e dei suoi strumenti interpretativi, il pensiero di Horst Bredekamp ne rappresenta uno degli snodi critici più significativi. Questo saggio percorre il suo itinerario teorico e si interroga sulla questione principale che lo orienta: quella del potere delle immagini, la cui posta in palio è la possibilità di una educazione dello sguardo e una diversa (...)
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    Martin Buber and Ludwig Feuerbach (in Czechoslovakian).Ivan Dubsky - forthcoming - Filosoficky Casopis.
    Dans l'etude comparative il est demontre, comment et a quelle mesure la philosophie de Ludwig Feuerbach a conditionne la pensee de Martin Buber; tous les deux sortent de la these que toute la philosophie doit etre essentiellement anthropologique, pour tous les deux le principe dialogique est determinatif (Moi ne devient que par Toi, la distance originelle de Moi et Toi determine l'etre humain dans le monde). Mais Buber est distant de la determination de l'homme par Ludwig Feuerbach, suivant laquelle l'homme (...)
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    Russkiĭ myslitelʹ Ivan Ilʹin: zhiznʹ i tvorchestvo.Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich Sharipov - 2020 - Moskva: Rusʹ Triedinai︠a︡. Edited by Filipp Moskvitin.
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  17. On Resistance to Evil by Force: Ivan Il'in and the Necessity of War.Paul Robinson - 2003 - Journal of Military Ethics 2 (2):145-159.
    In 1925, Russian philosopher Ivan Il'in published a book entitled On Resistance to Evil by Force . The book generated a bitter polemic among @migré Russian thinkers, which constitutes probably the most thorough debate on the justification of the use of force ever conducted among Russian scholars. This paper analyses Il'in's work and places it into the context of Russian history and philosophy. Il'in argued that war was sometimes necessary, but never 'just'. On occasions, the only (...)
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    Abitudini estetiche barocche: la Cappella della Sacra Sindone di Guarino Guarini.Ivan Quartesan & Gregorio Tenti - 2024 - In Alessandro Bertinetto, Paolo Furia & Davico Luca (eds.), AbiTo. Abitudini estetiche, spazio pubblico e arte, tra storia e contemporaneità: il caso Torino. Milano: Franco Angeli. pp. 139-148.
    This chapter examinates the concept of Baroque habits in its various declensions, dwelling in particular on aesthetic habits through the case study of Guarino Guarini’s Chapel of the Holy Shroud in Turin. In the first part three declensions of Baroque habits, linked together by profound implications, are identified: habits of knowledge, referred to the ideal of Baroque encyclopedism; moral habits, framed in the Baroque practices of government of affects; and aesthetic habits, consisting in regimes of or- dering of sensible experience (...)
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    Riformare la deontologia medica: proposte per un nuovo codice deontologico.Ivan Cavicchi - 2018 - Bari: Edizioni Dedalo. Edited by Ivan Cavicchi.
    Sulla base di una straordinaria analisi dei problemi deontologici riconducibili alla crisi della professione medica, Ivan Cavicchi e un gruppo di lavoro multidisciplinare – promosso e organizzato dall’Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, in collaborazione con il programma FBK per la salute della Fondazione Bruno Kessler e il gruppo di Biodiritto del l’Università di Trento – hanno rielaborato le basi concettuali della tradizionale deontologia medica per mettere in condizione gli Ordini dei Medici di riformare (...)
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    La teoria dello scrigno: una sociologia musicale.Ivan Stillitano - 2020 - Roma: Arcana.
    La Teoria dello Scrigno offre una visione d'insieme dei meccanismi che sono alla base della comunicazione musicale e delle espressioni della cultura, attraverso uno studio sociologico, musicologico e psicologico della nostra comprensione della Musica. Conseguenze della Teoria, discussa ampiamente sotto forma di un modello organizzato, sono, da un lato, lo stimolo rivolto al Musicista verso la creazione di una musica che non si limiti a essere formalmente corretta ma che cerchi, innanzitutto, di comunicare attraverso la ricerca della genuinità; dall'altro, il (...)
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    Coming to Terms with “Self-Actualization”: The Reception of Kurt Goldstein in Humanistic Psychotherapy.Iván Moya Diez - 2024 - Philosophia Scientiae 28-3 (28-3):55-74.
    Les idéaux et pratiques d’amélioration personnelle visant à atteindre un sens de réalisation de soi ont imprégné la culture populaire depuis le milieu du xxe siècle, en grande partie grâce au travail des psychologues humanistes américains. Cet article explore la popularisation de ces notions, arguant qu’elles découlent en partie d’une appropriation américaine particulière du concept d’« actualisation de soi» du neurologue et psychiatre allemand Kurt Goldstein. Premièrement, l’article examine la rencontre de Goldstein avec la psychologie américaine, retraçant son intérêt précoce (...)
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    Dalla documentalità al nuovo realismo.Elena Casetta, Pietro Kobau & Ivan Mosca - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:3-7.
    Nel 2009 esce Documentalità. Perché è necessario lasciar tracce di Maurizio Ferraris. Si tratta di un libro importante, per varie ragioni, ma qui vorremmo sottolinearne principalmente due. Innanzitutto, perché si pone come un’opera di rottura all’interno di una tradizione teorica consolidata – o, almeno, fino a quel momento assai poco movimentata. In secondo luogo, perché le tesi lì sostenute hanno degli esiti che vanno ben al di là della teoria. Cominciando con il primo punto, occorre ricord...
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    Kiesewetter's Logic in Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Il'ich.Alexei N. Krouglov - 2011 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 50 (2):58-69.
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  24. Viorel Achim. The Roma in Romanian History (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2004), 233 pp. $49.95/£ 29.95/E42. 95 cloth. Brooke Allen. Twentieth Century Attitudes: Literary Powers in Uncertain Times (Chicago, IL: Ivan R. Dee, 2003), xi+ 241 pp. $14.95 paper. Eric Alliez. The Signature of the World: What Is Deleuze and Guattari's Philosophy? [REVIEW]Finn Bostad - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (3):365-367.
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    Ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionni︠a︡ globalistika: kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii globalʹnykh processov.I. V. Ilʹin - 2009 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo Universiteta. Edited by A. D. Ursul.
    В работе предлагается эволюционный подход к исследованию глобальных процессов и глобальных систем. Для специалистов, научных работников, преподавателей, аспирантов и всех интересующихся проблемами будущего развития человечества.
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    Globalʹnyĭ ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionizm: idei, problemy, gipotezy = Global evolutionism: ideas, problems, hypothesis.I. V. Ilʹin - 2012 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta. Edited by A. D. Ursul & T. A. Ursul.
    В книге предлагается оригинальная трактовка глобальной эволюции, раскрывается содержание концепции планетарной и универсальной эволюции, основных принципов и методов их изучения.
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  27. Voprosy dialektiki poznanii︠a︡.Viktor Vasilʹevich Ilʹin (ed.) - 1974
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  28. Istorii︠a︡ iskusstva i ėstetika: izbrannye statʹi.I. A. Ilʹin - 1983 - Moskva: "Iskusstvo".
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  29. Materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika i sistemnyĭ podkhod: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.V. V. Ilʹin & D. A. Gushchin (eds.) - 1982 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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  30. Istina i dusha: filosofsko-psikhologicheskoe uchenie P.E. Astafʹeva v svi︠a︡zi s ego nat︠s︡ionalʹno-gosudarstvennymi vozzrenii︠a︡mi.N. P. Ilʹin - 2019 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
    Monografii︠a︡ posvi︠a︡shchena tvorchestvu Petra Evgenʹevicha Astafʹeva (1846-1893), zamechatelʹnogo russkogo filosofa, psikhologa i publit︠s︡ista iz plei︠a︡dy mysliteleĭ kont︠s︡a XIX veka -- "zolotogo veka" russkoĭ kulʹtury. V knige detalʹno rassmotreny osnovnye dostizhenii︠a︡ P.E. Astafʹeva, svi︠a︡zannye s obosnovaniem spiritualisticheskogo mirovozzrenii︠a︡: ego uchenie o dukhovnoĭ lichnosti i svobode voli, paradoksalʹnai︠a︡ traktovka chuvstva li︠u︡bvi, originalʹnai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ "bessoznatelʹnogo", predstavlenie o vere cheloveka v sebi︠a︡ kak pochve estestvennogo bogopoznanii︠a︡ i t.d. V edinstve s filosofsko-psikhologicheskim ucheniem P.E. Astafʹeva rassmotrena ego publit︠s︡istika (vkli︠u︡chai︠a︡ novyĭ i gluboko aktualʹnyĭ variant "troĭstvennoĭ (...)
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    Russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡.Vladimir Nikolaevich Ilʹin - 2020 - Moskva: Dom russkogo zarubezhʹi︠a︡ im. Aleksandra Solzhenit︠s︡yna. Edited by O. T. Ermishin.
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    The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity: The Doctrine of Humanity.I. A. Il'in - 2011 - Northwestern University Press.
    The publication of volume 2 of Philip T. Grier’s translation of The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity completes the first appearance in English of any of the works of Russian philosopher I. A ...
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  33. I︠A︡ vgli︠a︡dyvai︠u︡sʹ v zhiznʹ: kniga razdumiĭ.I. A. Ilʹin - 2007 - Moskva: ĖKSMO. Edited by I︠U︡. T. Lisit︠s︡a.
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    Teorii︠a︡ poznanii︠a︡, simvologii︠a︡: teorii︠a︡ simvolicheskikh form.V. V. Ilʹin - 2013 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  35. Konflikt dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ.V. N. Ilʹin - 2012 - Moskva: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  36. Problema sovremennago pravosoznanīi︠a︡.I. A. Ilʹin - 1923 - Berlin:
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  37. Problemy teorii poznanii︠a︡, logiki i metodologii nauki. Ilʹin, Archzhil I︠A︡kimovich, [From Old Catalog], Lazarev & Feliks Vasilʹevich (eds.) - 1974
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    Ukraïnsʹkyĭ humanizm--totoz︠h︡nistʹ rat︠s︡ionalʹnoho ta irrat︠s︡ionalʹnoho: (try stupeni skhodz︠h︡enni︠a︡ do istyny).Volodymyr Vasylʹovych Ilʹïn - 1999 - Kyïv: Kyïvsʹkyĭ derz︠h︡. torhovelʹno-ekon. universytet.
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  39. Negumanitarnai︠a︡ sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡: novyĭ vzgli︠a︡d na obshchestvovedenie.V. N. Ilʹin - 2003 - Moskva: Ėditorial URSS.
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  40. O soprotivlenii zlu siloi︠u︡.I. A. Ilʹin - 1975 - London, Kanada: Zari︠a︡. Edited by N. P. Poltorat︠s︡kiĭ.
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  41. SĖV--dinamichnoe razvitie nauki i tekhniki.Mark Sergeevich Ilʹin - 1981 - Moskva: Izdvo "Znanie,". Edited by D. A. Lebin.
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  42. Teorii︠a︡ dialektiki i voprosy metodiki ee prepodavanii︠a︡ v vyssheĭ shkole.V. V. Ilʹin & D. A. Gushchin (eds.) - 1978 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ krizisa: chelovechestvo na poroge katastroficheskikh peremen: monografii︠a︡.Viktor vasilʹevich Ilʹin - 2022 - Moskva: Prospekt.
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  44. Ontologicheskie i gnoseologicheskie funkt︠s︡ii kategoriĭ kachestva i kolichestva.Viktor Vasilʹevich Ilʹin - 1972 - "Vyssh. Shkola".
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  45. Osnovy khudozhestva: o sovremennom v iskusstvi︠e︡.I. A. Ilʹin - 1937 - Riga: Russkoe Akademicheskoe Izd-vo v Rigi︠e︡.
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  46. O soprotivlenīi zlu siloi︠u︡.I. A. Ilʹin - 1925 - Berlin,: [V tip. O-va "Presse"].
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  47. Postmodernizm : ot istokov do kont︠s︡a stoletii︠a︡: ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ nauchnogo mifa.Ilʹi︠a︡ Ilʹin - 1998 - Moskva: Intrada.
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  48. Sobranie sochineniĭ v desi︠a︡ti tomakh.I. A. Ilʹin - 1993 - Moskva: Russkai︠a︡ kniga. Edited by I︠U︡. T. Lisit︠s︡a.
    t. 1. Putʹ dukhovnogo obnovlenii︠a︡ ; Osnovy khristianskoĭ kulʹtury ; Krizis bezbozhii︠a︡ -- t. 2, kn. 1-2. Nashi zadachi -- t. 3. Shleĭermakher i ego "Rechi o religii" : religioznyĭ smysl filosofii : tri rechi, 1914-1923 ; I︠A︡ bgli︠a︡dyvai︠u︡sʹ v zhiznʹ : kniga razdumiĭ ; Poi︠u︡shchee serdt︠s︡e : kniga tikhakh sozert︠s︡aniĭ ; Putʹ k ochevidnosti -- t. 4. Poni︠a︡tii︠a︡ prava i sily ; Obshchee uchenie o prave i gosudarstve ; O suchnosti pravosoznanii︠a︡ ; O monarkhii i respublike -- t. 5. (...)
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  49. Religīoznyĭ smysl filosofīĭ.I. A. Ilʹin - 1924 - Paris,: Y.M.C.A.-press.
    --Filosofīi︠a︡, kak dukhovnoe di︠e︡lanīe.--Filisofīi︠a︡ i zhiznʹ.--O vozrozhdenīi filisofskago opyta.
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    Global studies and globalistics: the evolutionary dimension.I. V. Ilʹin - 2011 - Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Edited by A. D. Ursul.
    This monograph considers the challenges of science globalization, new trends of development in global studies and globalistics boosted by application of the evolutionary approach. Evolutionary globalistics focuses on the study of development and co-evolution of global processes and systems, and on their synergistic systemic phenomenon - global development. The concept of evolutionary globalistics is defined in the context of the universal (global) evolutionism and in terms of transition to new safer forms of civilization development and of interaction of civilization with (...)
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